Three Things to Replace When You Refinish Your Bathtub

When you decide to refinish your bathtub, you'll often be doing so as part of a bathroom remodel. For example, if you're refinishing the tub in a different color, you may also be repainting the bathroom and perhaps even changing some of the other fixtures. As you plan your refinishing job, it's useful to consider what other things you can replace at the same time. In many cases, some simple changes can make the bathtub stand out even more and truly give the impression that you've installed a completely new one rather than simply refinishing it. Here are three things that you may wish to also replace.

The Faucet and Drain

Now is the perfect time to replace the bathtub faucet, drain, and overflow cover. You should absolutely be removing these things when you prepare the bathtub for its refinishing, so having them off is a good excuse to buy new ones. Over time, these elements can get chipped, faded, and otherwise lose their luster. You may find that once you've refinished the bathtub, these elements stand out for the wrong reasons. Visit your local home improvement store to find suitable replacements that you can install after you're done refinishing the tub.

The Caulking

Removing the caulking around the upper edge of your tub where it meets the walls is the right way to approach the refinishing process. While leaving the caulking in place may get the job done faster, it will also be more difficult and potentially more messy. This is a good time to replace the caulking because it can fail over time and develop mildew spots if you aren't vigilant about cleaning it. A few thin lines of fresh caulking can further augment the look of your newly refinished tub.

Other Surrounding Elements

There may also be some surrounding elements that you can think about replacing when you're refinishing your bathtub. For example, if you have an older tub with a sliding plastic door that runs on a track mounted to the tub's top edge, you'll need to remove it before applying the refinishing top coat. Use this time to consider more of a contemporary look. For example, instead of putting this apparatus back on or buying a similar product, consider installing a shower curtain instead. This approach can make the tub feel less bulky, which is especially handy if your bathroom is on the smaller side.
